Jamie suprised me with a 40th birthday party on Saturday night. Our friends, Jeff and Tami, came up from Seattle with their sons, Henri (4) and Harrison (3 1/2 months)...I knew they were coming, but I thought we were just gonna have a big birthday dinner with our mutual friends, Mike and Lisa Morse and their kids. Turns out, Jamie invited several other people to help us celebrate. The weather was spectacular all day, which was such a blessing. It was a great way to start out the Birthday celebration week!!! Though, I think I've decided to kind of celebrate all year, because in December, Jamie and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary...I'm thinkin' Europe!!!!! Wish you could have been here with us to eat Jam's great food and have some fun. Maybe on my 50th???? YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!