Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Some poems written by a good friend of mine who shall remain anonymous! These are being published in a book of poetry and on a CD of performed poetry. I'm so blessed to have creative and talented friends!


Aching, bruised, covered with sin
I am born again day after day into my life
reporting for workless passion

Hungry, sad, eager for the comfort
I pulled you
and again
you rip away

Less than whole
marred I feel
used, imperfect
discarded for the move on

My heart
Fumbles for a match
to light the smoky corners of my soul

searching again
you are gone

Swept up
Swept away
over again
by the constant unceasing of your tales

The patter of little lies
tumble in my head

Over and over
they play
a marrionette, broken
murmuring without ceasing
this made up tale of us

Swept over
swept away
by your dismissal
refusal to be

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