I forgot the most important picture! Maryn and her wonderful teacher, Tammy Lindhout. Tammy was truly the hands and heart of Christ to Maryn and her classmates this year! What a blessing to start "real" school out with her....
So, you're probably thinking the day after the sleepover was pretty fun for the rest of us, huh? Maryn actually ended up power napping for about 3 1/2 hours!!!!'
From left clockwise: Diploma March Maryn Aaron Olson Kendall Barnes (lost her tooth at the sleepover) Teacher Tammy handing out report cards to Miss Gwyn
From left going clockwise: Maryn and Micah Caleb (our carpool friend) and Teacher Tammy Miss Gwyn (Kamden and Karsen's mom) Miss Gywn and Miss Rita (Lauren's mom, who was brave enough to sleep over with the kids!)
We went to a fabulous pre-race dinner at Al Porto in the Gastown area of Vancouver on Sat. night before Jeff Englehorn and I ran the 1/2 Marathon the next morning. The kids all did so wonderfully during the 2 1/2 hour meal!!!